Shirogane Ward 1, Plot 7
Dark Market is a mature, adult-themed FC specializing in story revolving around the flesh trade. Our underground organization captures and enslaves individuals from around Eorzea, forcing them into a life of servitude that is rarely escaped.
We host hush-hush events for the very elite, running blood sport for the entertainment of the rich and powerful.
Within the FC, training classes, games, Play demonstrations, Gladiator fights, hunts to capture a two-legged living target, slave races and erotic theater are only a handful of black-market events that Dark Market can offer. Most of these events are FC only, though we will host a public event every so often.
While the syndicate can orchestrate just about anything a twisted mind might desire, please make sure to read the rules below so that you know what we expect of our members.
Those whom the Dark Market enslave are rarely sold outside of the syndicate, as they are more valuable as toys and puppets for those who work within The Market. There are rare cases where a slave can be bought. If enough gil changes hands, anything is possible. Some have a specific Master or Mistress within the organization, but most are required to obey everyone above them.
((( Warnings and Disclaimers:
-This is an 18+ only FC!
-we are a BDSM-friendly and heavy environment! Please be advised prior to joining that these themes will be heavily involved.
You MUST read and understand the following!
The intent of this FC is to provide a safe, fun place for BDSM fans and likeminded individuals to write together and play with others without judgment. It is -NOT- intended as a hunting ground for anyone to harass or make someone else uncomfortable. For this reason, there are some very clear kicking offenses.
If you are not in the FC but violate these terms, you will be blacklisted. There is NO room for argument about this!
IC does NOT equal OOC. Do not address anyone you play with via RP as "Master" or your "pet" simply because you RPed a scene with them. You are NOT your character. Engaging in an IC relationship does not mean you have a right to someone in real life.
If you are a Dom, this isn't your hunting ground to build a harem. The subs in this FC are not your playthings. You do not have to instantly jump in to lay claim to a new player. Give them time to play and decide what THEY want.
3.)Many submissives find the need to please very strong. They can have a hard time saying no. Do not use guilt to convince a submissive to do something they seem reluctant about.
Remember that BDSM is a consensual agreement. If you tell a Dom that you enjoy pain and they post a picture found online of spanking bruises, do not spread false accusations of abuse! Everything a Dom does to a sub is the subs allowance. They hold the power.
Do not ever solicit a member for voice chat, dirty pictures, or personal information. Ever.
Not everyone in this FC is here to ERP. This dynamic is about so much more than sex! If someone has a no ERP tag on in discord, or tells you that they are not interested in that type of play, LEAVE THEM ALONE!
To prevent the harem-building nonsense we ask that no submissive who joins without a prior tie to a Dom be collared ICly for at least three weeks after joining. Give them time to know everyone! During that time they will be property of the Syndicate, and have the opportunity to meet and play with everyone!
You are not entitled to play! If someone isn't interested (even if their character is a slave) don't pitch a fit over them not RPing with you. Everyone is allowed to say no!
Any IC interactions that may affect another character MUST be cleared OOC with that player before a scene begins. This includes scenes involving abduction, violence and sex.
ALWAYS ASK FIRST. if any one of these rules is violated take screenshot proof and come directly to an officer. It will result in a direct kick from the FC and/or being blacklisted from further play.
Remember the first and most important rule any lifestyle member can recite to you: Safe, Sane and Consensual!
Follow this edict and have fun.