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          Pirate Arc

    The urge to swash and buckle is not easily ignored and if you are here it is because the romance of the sea speaks to you in the crash of wave, whip of sail, and acrid scent of cannon smoke. Welcome to the life of piracy! ...or rather, yours is the booty on the line. In a far off place of sharp ears and upturned noses, under politics inconsequential to the affairs of the Market, this story begins. A greedy lord on his frozen throne set eyes to the sea to fulfill desires on land. The why and background are less important than the result of this action, as when it all was said and done and the just desserts were meted out served fishy cold, the remnants of the financed and now patron-less cutthroats were left to breed a scourge upon the high seas.
    Marooned but well equip from the lord’s backing the ships and captains that were organized under his banner have fallen to a dangerous disarray with only one unifying factor. The penchant to plunder, sink, and steal across the ruby sea. The threat is not one singularly posed to the Dark Market but in his direction before his demise the lord had set the sights of the horde upon the fat rich smuggling vessels and special less-then-legal ‘cargo’ that would prove ideal marks while avoiding the threat of lawful retribution. So it is that a quiet war has blown in on crimson tide washing upon the slaver’s shore. Will you wade into the waters to defend what is wrongfully ours or shall we cede the sea to the upstart amateurs who think they know better how to capture and keep?

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