In Character Operations and expectations
A littler bit about how The Dark Market operates in an IC capacity, and why we run a few things certain ways!
The Dark Market FC house is a physical, private home for those within the syndicate. . A place to go play when not working. Of course some business might be done there, but most of the interactions at the actual FC house would be after technical ((and not always RPed)) work time. It is a place for play time, a bonus for the keepers and trainers who are loyal to The Market: Relaxing entertainment, meal times, living quarters with a plethora of slaves arranged for their enjoyment. This is the place that they might keep their own personal slaves, or play with market owned property if they do not own any of their own.
There would be IC structure for those working for DM.
There would be an outside holding location with dozens and dozens of slaves to sell. As we don’t have that many players and we don’t really want to focus on selling people off? These would be NPCS. It would be fair to state that MOST slaves brought into DM wouldn’t be beaten and tortured. Bad for business. They would be kept confined and turned over quickly, much like cattle ranch.
The slaves within the FC house would be specially selected to be kept by Dark Market. They can have been selected for any number of traits- Being lovely enough to want to keep, being well trained, having a skill they want to make use of, or simply too dangerous and bratty to sell- so more fun as a toy to try and break. The small offering of slaves at the FC house would be the cream of the crop, or playthings they don’t care if they are rid of. Brats they don’t think are worth selling or feel it would be more fun to break in themselves.
The slaves at the FC house (( ALL collared PCs)) would NOT indicate the normal every day treatment of all slaves that DM brings in.
These slaves, despite their sad predicament, would in actuality have special privileges that the ‘livestock stock’ would never have; such as being allowed to socialize and walk around the house and grounds. They would also be FAR more subject to being brutalized, used by the Keepers and Hunters, and used for the entertainment of high class guests. They are not intended to be sold, and are the personal playthings of the wicked elite. There are always healers on hand, but if you have more than a passing encounter with the devil, expect to be burned a little.
So, while it would be fair to state that most slaves brought into DM wouldn’t be beaten and tortured, since it is bad for business and training, , the special crop kept in the house for playtime have a lot more close, personal time with the Doms. This can lead to more pain- but also more pleasure, involvement or training if they take to it.
They can, and are expected to be, the epitome of Dark Market crop. These slaves are meant to showcase DM to noble guests, to show how wonderful having a slave to play with can be, so that they find interest in buying the rest of the slaves behind the scenes. They are also a nice job bonus for the loyal within Dark Market.
if a slave does not fight and lets themselves be trained properly, their fate can and will be far better than the slaves left to be sold in the other market locations!
If they fight and don’t obey? They are going to be hurt. We leave this open as an option because several people LOVE torture RP.
IC , just make sure there is a reason, or the heads might not be so happy with you damaging the cream of the crop or leaving their market owned property unusable.
ICLY, all Dominants MUST have permission from one of the heads to collar a slave that is market owned. Just taking and claiming one would be stealing, and would not go over well. Slaves can be rewards for a job well done, given as a gift to those who have proved themselves, or bought if there is a connection between dominant and slave.
(( Both parties can speak to us OOC and we can work it out if this is really, really something someone wants. Just keep in mind Market Property should IC be asked for, not just taken.))
There would be IC structure. Jobs expected to be done, chores slaves were expected to do. How they are meant to keep themselves. Some of this has been outlined in the new rules released, please see the above link to learn what the IC structure and expectations would be. You can find a link to these jobs and expectations in the discord of the FC.
While there are IC expectations, OOC- we often do not have time to sit around and make sure this is followed every day. Alas, RL must happen sometime!
As RPers is it your job to learn this structure and respect it, and understand that there would be work and expectation behind the scenes that needs tending to.
Slaves would be given work, Hunters have hunts, Gladiators outside fights to attend and make money on, keepers NPC slaves to train and sell. Each RPer has a personal responsibility to help create the world around them!
In some cases, the responsibility of a Market RPer is understanding that a good many things that would be structured can not be structured OOC because it would destroy the freedom of RP. We want people to have fun here. It would not be fun if you walked into the RP house and we instantly told you what you had to be doing and RPing.
How can people be invited in to the FC house for demonstrations? Wouldn’t it be too risky and does it really make sense in an IC capacity?
This is another IC vs. OOC issue. OOC we put out an invitation to everyone, via the RP hubs.
Each invitation includes a caveat that only characters involved in the underworld would receive one and know about the event. IC the invitations would be sent out to individuals who had some value to DM: Rich customers looking for slaves, people they know have money, business ties. The events, IC, are a way to network.
IC it should be assumed that anyone coming into the house knows about DM through underground means, and is trustworthy.
It is a way for us to show off our merchandise and bring in business, while OOCly bringing people in to play to keep things from getting stale.
We SUGGEST that ANYONE who wants to RP be dragged out of the cages and thrown into the main room… or the cage in the main rooms by an NPC guard.
The reason for this is simple: Sitting in a cage in a private chamber all the time, every time that you are online would get boring. This is a device created to allow reason for people to be up and around. Doing chores, cleaning, making food, seeing to their Masters, cleaning themselves. We want people to be able to RP. If you would rather sit in the cages, go for it. We won’t force you out, no matter how freshly captured you are!
The FC house/estate is private, and not open to the public. Invitations are issued to guests that have some sort of IC connection with the Dark Market, be it business, etc. What happens at the Dark Market stays at the Dark Market, as in guests that are invited are ‘in the know’ of the true nature of the place. This would not be a place that is openly advertised in any tavern or even on public listing somewhere. It is a clandestine operation by nature. However, that being said, in the interest of keeping our RP fresh and open, we like to have a little leeway in being able to have a reason why guests are invited and would be at the Dark Market. Anyone with underworld connections could be aware and invited as well as other aspects of business connections that work with the ‘in character’ premise and nature of the Dark Market. We are always willing to suggest ways and means to come into the Dark Market, such as if your character has interest in slaves, either having purchased some in the past or future, or simply supporting some other aspect of the Dark Market’s affairs. We have gladiatorial fights, for instance, and other characters and things that may work for business interests. Pleasure can also be a thing that happens at the Dark Market, but the establishment is not like a brothel, or BDSM club, where slaves are simply available for anyone to just walk in and use. The establishment also has some rules that guests would be expected to observe such as keeping the true nature of the place secret, be cordial to one another while visiting, etc. We like to encourage everyone to play their character as they would, but just be aware that the Dark Market is a secure facility and would have guards (NPCs) and other security measures that could apply. If you have a RP idea/premise in mind and wonder if it could work for interaction with the FC and its members, please feel free to contact any of the officers with questions and suggestions.