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                     Trainer Guidelines 

In Character Operations and expectations

           ○Rules, Regulations and Guidelines governing Trainers in the employ of the D'Autrey Family○

 ☆A Trainer's most important role is in Increasing or at the very least Maintaining the value of the Market property.☆ ●-


The above mentioned forward is the ultimate goal of a Trainer. By use of Negative and Positive reinforcement to mold Market property into something that can be used, sold and act in the highest capability possible with little chance of issue, regression, disobedience or open rebellion.


●- Trainers should be able to balance both hands, the one that feeds and the one that strikes in best fashion to each individual and different slave. It is the Trainer's job to learn what works best to persuade, dissuade, teach, manipulate and generally guide each slave to their highest potential. ☆The ultimate end state, a Trainer must ensure that the product they create not only obeys, but is of the mindset that they want to serve. If this end-state is not the end-state in mind, the slave will never operate at maximum efficiency.


◇Examples °☆Slave One is unruly, speaking freely, riles up the other collared.

•●• Use of forceful, mental, breaking techniques may be required. This slave has too much of their free spirit, and have yet to understand their place. This would be the accurate, acceptable and best technique for bringing the slave in line. If Slave One continues, complete breakage before rebuilding may be needed.


°☆Slave Two is fearful, skittish, timid. Has a hard time completing tasks without jumping.

°○° Use of a more gentle hand to reassure the slave, to teach them that the completion of tasks efficiently, expediently and without question will be rewarded. This would be an accurate, acceptable and best technique for bringing the slave into the "wanting to serve" mindset. Do not over reward, but, at this point overly torturous punishment serves only to worsen the slave's condition. The opposite of what is expected of a Trainer.

□◇-Punishable Infractions / Failures □□- Over punishment and or extreme punishment. While Sadism is an allowed trait of any Trainer, any action that would leave Market Property in a broken, unusable, non-functioning state (To include mental / physical / emotional capacity) is frowned upon. Sufficient reasoning will be given if such an action is taken, if the reasoning is found to be ill-fitting of a Trainer, a punishment may ensue.


□○- Using slaves for personal pleasure and calling it Training without advancing the training of a collared in any meaningful way. Training a slave in any lesson, be it sexual, ceremonial, dutiful or any other specialty in nature, cannot be called training if it is overly forced to the point that the slave will not retain the information out of fear, pain, or strong negative emotion If a Trainer has been found guilty of abusing their status in this way, will find themselves at the mercy of a Punishment. ○○- Failure to represent the Dark Market or being unable to handle the expected and required tasks of the status of Trainer, may find the Trainer stripped of their title until such a time as they are found suitable to train and mold the slave.

☆◇☆ Trainer Status and Position and General Lessons for Training ◇☆ Trainers of the Market are expected to exemplify the Market itself. This status is a granted, chosen and given position. This status is to be looked highly upon and be respected by Slave, Trainer, Patron, Freelancer and Masters alike.

◇☆ As such, this status is a Privilege it is NOT an Entitlement. Being a Trainer places you in a hired Staff position, and infractions of the previous section's simple guidelines will see fit to cause this status to fall in question for yourself and yourself alone.


◇☆ Basic starting Guidelines for any Trainer are as follows. ☆ Basic Positions ☆ Courtesies (Addressing Masters / Trainers / Etc with proper titles) ☆ Basic Slave Guidelines ☆ Basic Slave Expectations (Please refer to the slave training manual for these)

◇☆ Further Guidelines will include, a Trainer my choose a special and specific area and or subset of specialized training that they may be known for. ( I.E. Gladiator Trainer, Hunter Trainer, Household Trainer, Ceremony Trainer, Medical Trainer, Courtesan Trainer, Labor Trainer, ETC ETC ETC) ☆ A Trainer should also find what a Slave's special area of expertise may be, this will come with the Trainer / Slave relationship as the Trainer OR Master learns of the Slave they work with. Should a Slave show aptitude in any specific area, it may be of worth to guide them to afore mentioned expertise. NOTE While a Slave may have a special area of interest, this does not mean that they must be instructed in such a way.

☆☆☆Final Notations between Trainers ☆ Trainers should, at all times, in every circumstance.. Respect each other, and Uphold these standards. Slaves seeing Trainers bicker and fight between one another is in infraction of "Failure to Represent the Dark Market". ☆☆ These Regulations serve as basic guidelines. Each and every Trainer is welcome to instruct and mold in their own style. These styles are to be respected and the only time these styles will come into question is when they are in breech of the expectations and regulations set forth in this manual. ☆☆☆ ~Fin.


Additional note;  We have a lot of trainers who employ all sorts of training techniques! These are great things and it offers a wide variety of RP which we want to encourage so you can get whatever you want out of RP. These are not mandatory for anyone to conscript themselves to, but rather a way for players who have not played a trainer before but have an interest can sort of add some bumper bars to the bowling alley and keep themselves from going too far on either end of the spectrum! You are encouraged to find your own trainer style and develop it over time, without fear of total comeuppance against your character if they do not fit exactly to another's. These are not the Market's only guidelines, and nor are they YOUR only guidelines but a little step to get started and a good way of directing RP to those not fully experienced. Feel free to ask questions, alter them to your own desires, and make your style your own... And remember:  The code is really more of a set of guidelines than a code!


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