"She is not the spider, my friend, she is the web."
It was a thing of beauty, meant to be a joy forever. Yet it all came tumbling down one bright January morning in a world crisp with snow.*
Aces, kings, queens and laughing jokers all watched the spectacle as the girl was knocked from the throne.
Tears draped their jewels over the paper, crayons scattered on the ground as they became casualties in battle, while all around the fallen houses, the lotuses kept on growing.
A gifted mage, she is known for doing magics that few others might touch for the right price. Her main interest is in medicine, and she followed that path to become a surgeon.
Her family fell into debt, and Salvatrix got a taste of mercy lacking in the world when wealth was stripped away and left one vulnerable. She battled her way to freedom in an underground network of fighters, both magical and skilled otherwise, until the day came when the young woman could once again answer to no one but herself. Rumors abound that underneath the frigid exterior still rests the once innocent foundation of a kinder being, but that could be lies for all the interest shown by her in most of the world.
Once again, fortune has not favored her as the bold, and due to her eldest brother's foolishness, her noble Ishgardian House is in trouble. The trouble is not monetary, but rumors whisper of offense to a greater nature… Through an old connection, she had become a "ward" of House D'autrey.
What is the reality?
Formerly in debt to those that run the Dark Market, she is now free to follow the fuller beat of her own drummer, though has chosen to still work for the D'Autrey family in some common interests.
From beneath, it devours ...
Strong things attract Salvatrix; strong minds, strong will, strong body; for she is a compilation of all three. Any of these features can be bait to one of her many sides, even though drawing her attention isn't always the intent or wish of her targets. Easily seduced into violence or competition by a valid competitor, it has been said by those close to her in nature and understanding that she plays both predator and prey well and to her own will. Polarity is rampant in her logic and personality, making Salvatrix highly enticing to some people, while simply erratic and confusing to others. Entertainment and personal satisfaction are at the top of her list in motives, with duty and responsibility not trailing far behind, which is exactly why she goes out of her way to not take on too much of either of the last two. For summary, her life is interesting where even she doesn't know what to expect out of herself next.